

  • Proto-Vdangku Exhpazixh [ɛɣpʰaziɣ]
  • Proto-Garo qikegaro [ʔikɛkʲæɾɔ]





Exhpaxhixh map1

The Geography of Exhpaxhixh

Exhpazixh (the Flatlands), is the name given to the home of the Růmzqūse People, referring to the flat topography of the land. The area is sparsely populated, contains a large swatch of savanna in the south, giving way to a steppe and a rocky desert further north.


Exhpazixh was settled by people around 2000 years ago, originating from nomads migrating from the western continents from the Arctic Circle. Settlements in the plains were established soon after their arrival, and the people split into familial groups that eventually evolved into clan settlements.

The caves at Olneůik were discovered around -9000. The followers of Langgu arrived in the caves a couple of years later, drawn towards the Nōneůik vazůlav through prophecies foretold upon the plain. The stability offered by the city drew others in the surrounding vicinity, and its population increased to its current 7000.


With low population density, Růmzqūse settlements are small and few within the flatland area. These settlements are relatively stable, however, as they have extrapolated ways of growing the various types of edible flora found in the area. Concentrations of these small farming settlements are greatest within the plains areas, as the steppe and desert have been found to be completely unsuitable for any growth.


Exhpazixh contains several regions that separate the area biologically and culturally.

The Nōneůik Mountains[]

Within the heart of Exhpazixh lie a small mountain chain called the Nōneůik Mountains. They are considered the most sacred Vazůliv for the people, as they are the largest anomalies.

An extensive cave system, known as the Olneůik or Vkiůzdong, was discovered at the bottom of the southernmost area in the chain some time ago, and it has been inhabited and developed for many years. This serves as a sort of central city, as many religious channeling centers have been established here. The mountains have also been found to contain large deposits of iron and silver, the former being used to great effect in the development of farming tools, and the latter used for decorative and monetary purposes.

Vuluvdduan Desert[]

Large desert surrounding the Nōneůik Mountains. Rocky, parched and given to large wind storms, it is a desolate place, and very few travelers choose to traverse it. It serves as a natural barrier between the mountain Rumzquze and Olneůik, and the clans of the grasslands to the south.

The Puxhåt[]

The Puxhåt is a steppe region surrounding the Vuluvdduan Desert. It is very similar in climate and composition to the desert, although with milder storms and heat due to the slightly greater amount of rain in the area.


The Nōnāvkå, or Long River, is a major geological feature that has a large impact on the area. The river flows inland from the eastern ocean through the plains and southern part of the Puxhåt.

Density Map[]

Exhpaxhixh density map

Population density, relative
